Aries Sign Traits & Dates

Daily Horoscope for Aries

Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Zodiac Sign

Dates: Mar 21 - Apr 20

Element: Fire

Quality: Cardinal

Color: Red

Day: Tuesday

Ruler: Mars

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Libra, Leo

Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 17

Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac belt because, at the time Greek astronomy was developed, the Sun entered this constellation during the vernal equinox. The constellation itself is not particularly distinctive, as it consists of stars of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th magnitudes. The primary star of Aries is called Hamal, also known as the nautical star.

The cult of the sacrificial lamb has endured for millennia. The symbol of a meek, innocent creature that sacrifices itself for the benefit of humanity and to atone for their misdeeds is central to the hieroglyphic representation of the Aries constellation. The horns of the Egyptian god Ammon are curved in such a way that he cannot defend himself, while the disk of the Sun shining upon his additional horns serves as a symbol of cosmic wisdom.

Aries, Aries zodiac traits, Aries constellation, horoscope Aries,
Discover the fiery energy of Aries. Learn about their personality traits, strengths, and key zodiac dates. Perfect insights for horoscope lovers!

Aries are often considered the favorites of the zodiac. Outwardly friendly and energetic, they greet the world with a firm handshake and a confident demeanor. They are fierce defenders of justice, always ready to stand up against any wrongdoing. However, their passionate nature can make them hot-tempered and impulsive. Aries express their opinions openly and without hesitation. They prioritize their own interests, often thinking of themselves first without considering how their actions may affect others. Yet, their lack of sensitivity is unintentional, making it hard to stay mad at them—much like a child.

Personality Traits

Aries approach life with boundless enthusiasm. They believe in everything with all their hearts, without hidden agendas or complexities. Despite their outward openness, they can be secretive and prone to complaining. Aries never plan ahead; they prefer to charge directly toward their goals without hesitation. This directness often leads to career success, as they are determined and driven.

However, Aries are not known for tact, patience, or tolerance. If these traits were being distributed, Aries were likely still waiting outside the door. They are incredibly straightforward—sometimes to a fault. Their defining characteristics are honesty and frankness, but this doesn’t always translate to reliability, as they lack stability and responsibility.

Health & Physical Traits

Aries have zero tolerance for physical pain. Convincing them to see a dentist is almost impossible. At the same time, their reckless fearlessness often results in physical injuries, leaving them with scars as souvenirs of their daring nature. Aries are prone to skin conditions, joint issues, and stomach disorders. They usually have a strong, muscular physique and rarely allow illness to slow them down. If an Aries chooses to stay in bed, you can be sure they are truly unwell.

The root cause of Aries’ health problems is impatience. To maintain balance, they must consciously develop patience and caution. Their natural optimism helps protect them from chronic illnesses, but they often struggle with high blood pressure.

Work Ethic & Ambitions

Aries believe that no one can handle a task better than they can. They are never lazy and always prefer action over idleness. When given the choice between fame and fortune, Aries will almost always choose fame. Their speech is often sarcastic and sharp-witted, making it easy to provoke their temper. However, their anger burns fast and fades just as quickly—they never hold grudges. Aries are honest and direct, never engaging in gossip or deception.

Perspective on Life & Relationships

Aries see the world in black and white—they either love you or dislike you. They don’t believe in shades of gray. For them, everything is either good or bad, right or wrong, with little room for compromise. They live in the present, rarely learning from the past and seldom worrying about the future. Only the current moment matters.

Defeat is not an option for Aries. If faced with failure, they simply refuse to acknowledge it. Their unyielding optimism pushes them to tackle challenges head-on. Aries thrives on obstacles, seeing them as conquests rather than setbacks. They never sit back and wait for success; they actively chase it. However, their intense energy can be exhausting for those around them. Aries do have the ability to be calm, but they only truly seek peace and tranquility in their later years.

Creativity & Social Traits

Many Aries find success in both business and the arts. Their strong personalities make it difficult for others to express themselves in their presence, as Aries love talking about their own lives and struggles. They are gullible and trusting, often leading to disappointment in people. However, they genuinely enjoy making others happy, expecting nothing in return. Aries are natural pioneers, always chasing the unattainable and the impossible.

Despite their fiery nature, Aries have a unique gift for bringing joy to others—and they take great pleasure in doing so.

What are the key personality traits of Aries?

Aries is known for its bold, energetic, and pioneering personality. People born under Aries are confident, ambitious, and natural leaders. However, they can also be impulsive and impatient.

What is Aries' ruling planet and element?

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of energy, action, and desire. Its element is Fire, which makes Aries passionate, dynamic, and fearless.

Who is Aries most compatible with?

Aries is most compatible with:

  • Libra: Libra’s balance complements Aries’ intensity.
  • Leo: Both are Fire signs, leading to a passionate and exciting relationship.

What are Aries' career strengths?

Aries thrives in careers that require leadership, courage, and independence. They excel in roles such as entrepreneurs, athletes, law enforcement officers, and military personnel.

How does Aries handle relationships?

In relationships, Aries is passionate and direct. They seek partners who can match their energy and enthusiasm. Aries can sometimes be impatient and dominant, but they are also fiercely loyal.

Aries man

The Aries Man – Passion, Power, and Independence

An Aries man is a fascinating mix of passion and cool detachment. He is constantly filled with ideas and creative energy, making it exhausting to keep up with him—but necessary, as he won’t hesitate to move on without looking back.

He often appears younger than his actual age, as he matures late in life. He is impatient, brave, and self-confident, always pushing ahead and showing generosity—even to strangers. However, these admirable traits can also make him demanding, selfish, and utterly unbearable when his desires are unmet.

Love & Romance

When Aries falls in love, he dives in headfirst, convinced that no one has ever felt such a unique and powerful emotion. He is a passionate lover, ruled by idealism, sentiment, and romance. His calm exterior is merely a mask for his fiery heart.

Flirting just for fun isn’t in his nature—he seeks the storybook love he has read about in novels. He loves romantically and intensely and expects the same in return. However, he doesn’t want to witness the effort behind your beauty—manicures, hairstyling, and self-care should happen behind the scenes. His philosophy? "A princess should not behave that way." To keep his interest, avoid being boring, timid, or predictable. Aries is hard to impress, but you can certainly try.

When in love, Aries is faithful. He cannot juggle multiple relationships and is honest in his dealings with women. He believes in loyalty and lasting love. When a relationship ends, Aries makes a clean break before moving on to someone new. He will never fake emotions—if his love has faded, his voice and demeanor will turn cold, signaling the end.

Handling an Aries Man

Aries will never admit when he’s wrong. After a breakup, he may start over with you, but winning him back requires significant effort—and therein lies the key to his heart.

If you cheat on him, prepare for an immediate and irreversible split. Even a fleeting glance at another man can be enough to trigger his possessiveness. He must be first in everything. His jealousy and possessiveness are extreme, second only to Leo.

An Aries man is a true rebel. He rejects authority and believes himself superior to others. He refuses to accept anyone else's leadership. However, beneath his bold and confident exterior lies an inferiority complex that he will never acknowledge. If you want a successful relationship with him, you must gently support him without ever confronting his weaknesses.

One of the worst mistakes you can make is siding with his enemy—never try to be "fair" by proving him wrong. Aries demands absolute loyalty. If that doesn't suit you, it's best to look elsewhere for love.

How to Keep Him Interested

An Aries man does not play games. Don’t overwhelm him with emotions until you’re sure his passion is mutual. The fastest way to lose him is to confess your feelings first—he must be the leader, even in love.

Loving an Aries requires a delicate balance:

  • Don’t chase him, but don’t run too far away.
  • Be mysterious, yet let him know you care.
  • Stay independent, but never outshine him.

Strengths & Weaknesses

His positive qualities include his ability to apologize first, his devotion when you are sick or unhappy, and his generosity—he enjoys spoiling his loved ones with gifts and compliments.

He is a charismatic conversationalist and expects his partner to share his passions. An Aries man wants to be your entire world, allowing you to participate in his interests but never overshadow him. He believes his partner should be ultra-feminine yet independent, always a few steps behind him.

Praise him, but without excessive idolization—he enjoys admiration but despises weakness. Aries can sometimes be harsh and unforgiving, expecting others to excuse his faults. He must be the leader at home, or he will leave—he does not tolerate criticism or challenges to his authority.

Financially, Aries is not greedy, but he insists on controlling the money and making all financial decisions.

Fatherhood & Family

Aries makes a wonderful father, one that children can only dream of having. However, his independence must be respected. While he dislikes rules and restrictions, he also hates losing control. Encourage his masculinity and leadership, but never sacrifice your individuality. Your success must never overshadow his own.

Career & Challenges

Aries frequently finds himself in trouble due to his impatience and complete lack of diplomacy. His life’s mission revolves around work and achievement. He possesses incredible willpower, courage, and quick reflexes, making him well-suited for careers such as:

  • Doctor
  • Military leader
  • Journalist
  • Administrator

However, his lack of subtlety and authoritarian tendencies can sometimes hold him back.

Most Aries men are hardworking and honest, but despite their outward strength, their health is fragile. Nearly all Aries suffer from a weak nervous system, making stress and exhaustion their greatest enemies.

Aries woman

Have You Fallen in Love with an Aries Woman?

It’s hard to say whether you deserve congratulations or sympathy. Like most women, she may believe that love means everything to her, but in reality, she has too many interests to be consumed by it. She can go without a man far longer than most women, yet she always needs a love story and a hero in her life—even if the hero exists only in her imagination.

An Aries woman believes she can do everything better than a man. She opens doors for herself, lights her own cigarette, and carries heavy bags without hesitation. To live without male support means simply doing things faster and more efficiently than waiting for someone else to help her. Naturally, this attitude can bruise the male ego. She must lead, she must be first in everything—including love.

The Aries Woman in Love

Of all the zodiac signs, only Aries women will boldly propose to a man, sometimes even before he has a chance to confess his feelings. Be careful—she wants to be in control of love. Before you kiss her, make sure she truly loves you; otherwise, she might slap you and run away. This is not an act of maidenly modesty—it’s her fear of becoming too attached, of losing her independence.

To win her heart, be mysterious and let her chase you. A man who resists her charms intrigues her the most. She enjoys gathering admirers around her, but deep down, she only desires the one man she cannot have. She is an incredibly strong woman, with a bold and aggressive personality, even if her outward appearance seems soft and feminine.

An Aries woman loves flattery, especially when it’s genuine. Let her know you admire her, but don’t overdo it—she dislikes exaggerated praise. She is both sentimental and loyal, but only as long as her feelings remain alive. She is full of contradictions: she doesn’t want a man to follow her everywhere, yet she loses interest if he is too distant. She doesn’t need a dominant husband, but she doesn’t want a submissive one either. She longs to lead her man, yet secretly desires someone strong enough to lead her.

Her Ideal Love

She is idealistic and ambitious, forever searching for a knight in shining armor—someone who is stronger than her, who can give her the world without losing his masculinity. Since such a man exists only in fairy tales, Aries women often end up alone. Their days are bright and full of adventure, but their nights are often dark and lonely.

For her to truly love you, she must be proud of you. However, don’t make the mistake of ignoring her own talents and abilities. She expects a lot from a relationship, but she will give back twice as much in return.

She is generous with her affection but indifferent to wealth and status. However, in love, she is extremely possessive—even jealous over small things. Never compliment another woman in her presence! If deeply hurt, she turns from fire to ice—and while her passion burns out quickly, her coldness can last forever.

How to Handle an Aries Woman

Like an Aries man, she puts her partner on a pedestal, seeing him as flawless and refusing to acknowledge his faults. Never criticize the man she loves, as she will not tolerate it.

She prefers the company of men, and you will feel jealous—but whatever you do, don’t show it. She insists on having complete freedom both before and after marriage. You will have to trust her, even if she doesn’t always return that trust.

An Aries woman rarely loves two men at once—she is too honest for such deception. Her love is a mix of passion and mystical idealism. She is not the type to flirt coquettishly—her approach to love is direct, honest, and intense.

Career & Independence

An Aries woman is a natural businesswoman who can secure her own career. She easily handles both "male" and "female" roles and is highly skilled in her profession. It is extremely difficult to make her quit work for a man.

She will buy you gifts, lend you money, take care of you when you're sick, and even help with your work. However, she expects the same level of devotion and support from you—even though she will stubbornly push your help away. If she’s unhappy, you must be unhappy too. If she’s happy, you must share her joy.

For her, love is a union of equals. She will not tolerate secrets. Keeping things from her will drive her mad. Don’t embarrass her with poor grammar, bad fashion choices, or low social status. Wound her pride, and you will break her heart. Unfortunately, Aries women are often misunderstood because they place themselves above the opinions of others.

When she realizes she cannot rule the world, she will run to you in tears—and that is when you will see her as she truly is: vulnerable and fragile, despite her outward confidence. She admires strength and tries to embody it herself, but her idealism often clashes with reality. In these moments, she needs your protection.

Marriage & Family

If you marry an Aries woman, don’t expect her to focus only on the household—she has many other interests. She is a good homemaker, but she dislikes housework, even though she does it well.

She will excite you and ensure you never get bored. She is intelligent and rarely complains about illness or exhaustion. However, if she is sick, you will need to pour out a ton of sympathy just to convince her to rest.

She hates being left out and will demand to know your whereabouts. Calling her from work to say you're busy is not enough—she will want to check for herself.

An Aries woman impresses everyone, including your boss. She may tolerate temporary financial struggles, but she will never respect a man who earns less than her—though she won’t leave him because of it. She is vain and sensitive, especially about her age or appearance.

Your marriage must be passionate and romantic, or she will feel deeply unhappy. As a mother, she gives her children everything they need, but she will never lose herself in motherhood.

Emotional Nature

An Aries woman may throw a dramatic scene, but she quickly recovers. She never holds grudges, seeks revenge, or drowns in self-pity. After an emotional outburst, her optimistic nature revives her.

She is incredibly feminine, yet she hides it behind a tough exterior. But a true knight is not an average man—and he will see past her armor.

Beneath her confidence, she is easily hurt. Her smile is her shield, her charm is her defense. If you can tame her, if you can turn her into a gentle lamb, she will be honest, passionate, exciting, yet still impulsive and independent.

An Aries woman can restore your lost illusions about love—if you can handle her fire.

Aries traits

Aries: The Fire Sign and the Master of Mars

As a Fire sign, Aries embodies active, passionate willpower. It is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizing courage and determination, always striving to balance intellect and instinct. Aries seeks to overcome the intellectual vagueness of Pisces (an excess of lyricism and fantasy) and the inconsistencies of Gemini (a tendency toward opportunism, wordplay, and sophistry).

The Aries Season: Spring Awakening

The season of Aries marks the beginning of spring, a time when the body is often weakened by a lack of oxygen, vitamins, sunlight, and movement. This makes Aries individuals particularly susceptible to illnesses during this period.

As a result, Aries people generally fall into two categories:

  1. The Strong Aries – Energetic, muscular, with healthy lungs and a vigorous spirit.
  2. The Weak Aries – Those who struggle against natural selection, as they fail to live in harmony with their sign’s fundamental needs:
    • Proper nutrition
    • Regular exercise
    • Optimism and a joyful outlook
    • True love and strong friendships

Aries is the sign of vitality, renewal, and the fearless pursuit of new frontiers. It represents a new world, open to exploration and conquest, driven by an adventurous spirit. Aries individuals often have ruddy complexions and piercing, hunter-like eyes, embodying the essence of explorers and pioneers.

The Aries Woman: Strength & Passion

Women born under Aries are both beautiful and intelligent. They never lower their gaze when confronted by strangers and live entirely for their passions. Their broad shoulders and long Amazonian legs make them appear as though they have stepped out of the paintings of Rubens and Titian.

They are often musicians, travelers, and athletes, thriving in freedom and adventure. They bloom in shades of blue, symbolizing loyalty and love of life. However, excessive emotional pain can lead Aries women into despair, passivity, and withdrawal. They may become chaste, reserved, and burdened by chronic physical ailments.

Yet, if true love and renewal enter their lives, their strength and joy will be restored. Love, when mutual and unwavering, has the power to revive their spirit and rekindle their natural vitality and passion.

Aries: The Pioneer of the Zodiac

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is the initiator of renewal and rebirth. It serves as the bridge between the melancholic, dreamlike nature of Pisces—with its fears of eternal winter and isolation—and the earthly pleasures of Taurus, which celebrates love, sensuality, and the joys of physical existence.

Symbolism & Characteristics

  • Colors: Red, yellow, and green squares represent Aries' vibrant and active nature.
  • Symbolic Animals: The ram’s head and deer symbolize courage, leadership, and an unstoppable drive.
  • Number: The number 4, representing Aries’ realistic and pragmatic character.
  • Musical Associations: Aries thrives in four-beat rhythms, such as military marches, bouncing ball sounds, and trumpet fanfares.
  • Unfavorable Color: Violet is considered inauspicious for Aries.

Health & Weaknesses

Aries' weak point is the head, making them prone to:

  • Ear infections and pain
  • Meningitis
  • Nasal and eye conditions
  • Hemorrhages, head injuries, and colds

Due to their restless and impulsive nature, Aries must be particularly cautious of head-related injuries and brain health. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle, including proper rest, hydration, and self-care, is essential to their well-being.

Aries first decade

Symbols & Influences of Aries

  • Symbols: Revival, Victory, Vigorous Activity, Phoenix
  • Consciousness: Mars and Pluto—both masculine planets, representing strength, action, and transformation.
  • Associated Flower: Tulip, symbolizing passion, courage, and renewal.

Character Traits

Mars-Pluto Influence (Conscious Personality)

  • Traits: Authoritative, powerful, fiercely brave, highly enterprising
  • Can exhibit despotic tendencies, showing anger, cruelty, and injustice in extreme situations.

Moon-Venus Influence (Subconscious Personality)

  • Traits: Gentle, impressionable, deeply sensual, and unwaveringly faithful
  • Displays a strong love for children and nurturing qualities.
  • Associated colors: White, blue, pale pink—representing calmness, emotional depth, and romanticism.

Key Astrological Combinations & Their Effects

  • Mars + Moon → Amplifies both kindness and cruelty, making behavior unpredictable and dependent on whims.
  • Pluto + Moon → Indicates extreme emotional weakness, leading to self-sacrificing tendencies.
  • Mars + Venus → Creates an intensely passionate nature, where love dominates all aspects of life. Jealousy can be destructive.
  • Pluto + Venus → A blend of passion and ambition, softened by Venus' tenderness.


The Aries personality is hot-blooded and generous, capable of self-sacrifice but also deeply vulnerable to emotional turmoil. While Mars represents fortitude and strength, intense psychological shocks can break this barrier, revealing the Moon’s hidden emotional fragility.

Love & Compatibility

The Plutonian essence of Aries creates strong connections with:

  • Leo (Pluto in the subconscious)
  • Scorpio (ruled by Pluto)

These relationships are intensely passionate, with a physical connection that is overwhelming. However, conflicts arise when two strong-willed, dominant personalities collide, leading to power struggles and emotional torment.

To sustain such relationships, Aries must soften its approach, adopting the peacekeeping role of Cancer, rather than insisting on dominance.

Additionally, Aries shares strong compatibility with Libra (first decan). Here, the balance of personalities creates harmony, mutual happiness, and good fortune for both partners.

Aries second decade

Symbols & Influences of Aries

  • Symbols: Moses, Epopan, Confidence
  • Consciousness: Mars and the Sun—representing the fusion of masculine and feminine energies
  • Associated Colors: Red, orange, yellow—symbolizing ambition, energy, and vitality

Character Traits

Mars-Sun Influence (Conscious Personality)

  • Traits: Ambition, idealism, movement, dance, music, loyalty, pride, and intellectual struggle
  • Constantly engaged in a battle of ideas and opinions, always seeking progress and personal growth.

Moon-Mercury Influence (Subconscious Personality)

  • Associated Colors: White and silver-gray—symbolizing introspection, intellect, and transformation
  • Character Development:
    • The puberty phase plays a transformative role in defining the Aries personality.
    • Depending on planetary dominance at this stage, Aries can become either strongly masculine (if Mars prevails) or deeply feminine (if Lunar influences dominate).
  • Key Traits:
    • Strong memory
    • A deep appreciation for fables, myths, poetry, and fantasy
    • A lingering attachment to past experiences and nostalgia

Key Astrological Combinations & Their Effects

  • Mars + MercurySharp wit, quick reflexes, and a natural inclination toward combat sports (boxing, fencing). Fascinated by activities that blend intellectual challenge with risk-taking.
  • Sun + MercuryRefined beauty, a sharp and analytical mind, and a deep appreciation for literature, theater, and aesthetically harmonious sports.
  • Sun + MoonA mix of selfishness and self-reflection, leading to acts of kindness and humility. This combination brings a dual beauty, blending masculine strength with feminine allure.
  • Mars + MoonA powerful drive for dominance, as Mars and the Sun strive for control, while the Moon absorbs all energy and emotions.


The Aries personality is eternally youthful, charismatic, and full of energy but tends to be impulsive and financially reckless. Aries individuals are drawn to risk and often approach life with passion and intensity. They experience love and friendship in the same way they approach challenges—with complete devotion and fiery enthusiasm.

Love & Compatibility

  • The Sun’s Influence:

    • Creates strong compatibility with Leo—two ambitious, enthusiastic personalities who complement and uplift one another.
    • Also aligns Aries with the second decan of Sagittarius and Scorpio, fostering deep emotional and physical connections.
  • The Influence of Mercury:

    • Encourages Aries to seek a partner from the first decan of Sagittarius, where they admire intellectual depth and erudition.
    • The Mars-Moon combination inclines Aries toward Libra, creating a dynamic that brings both happiness and dominance over other zodiac signs.
    • Mercury also draws Aries toward the last five days of Virgo, where a strong, almost overwhelming passion can push Aries to test the limits of power and control in relationships.

Aries third decade

Symbols & Influences of Aries

  • Symbols: Minerva, Mind, Punitive Justice, Doe, Head of Medusa
  • Consciousness: Mars and Venus—representing the balance of masculine and feminine energies
  • Associated Colors: Red and Green—symbolizing passion, energy, and renewal

Character Traits

Mars-Venus Influence (Conscious Personality)

  • Key Traits: Passionate love, heightened temperament, generosity, and enthusiasm
  • A strong desire for self-transcendence and devotion to an ideal

Moon-Moon Influence (Subconscious Personality)

  • Double dominance of the Moon, emphasizing deep emotional sensitivity and heightened intuition
  • Associated Color: Snow White, symbolizing purity, introspection, and mystery
  • Key Traits:
    • A powerful imagination
    • Natural clairvoyance and intuitive perception
    • A deep absorption in myths, poetry, and artistic rhythms
    • A gift for stylization, capturing emotions and feelings in artistic expression
    • Love serves as a source of inspiration, often fueling creative masterpieces.

Key Astrological Combinations & Their Effects

  • Mars + Moon → A blend of clarity and tenderness, creating a strong yet sensitive personality.
  • Venus + MoonExtreme sensitivity with an intense craving for unique sensory experiences through sight, touch, hearing, and scent.
    • A deep appreciation for music, particularly in methodical or structured compositions.
    • A love for visual arts, where painting and aesthetics contribute to a refined and elegant atmosphere.


Aries individuals are driven by passion, but their emotions are deeply intertwined with their creative impulses. Loving suffering can awaken a melancholic ego, which finds expression through art and artistic creation.

However, for those who lack creative outlets, emotional hardship can lead to depression and stagnation.

  • Young women may despair over broken promises in love.
  • Young men, facing failure in their careers, may refuse to try again.
  • Both must remember that astral life is one of perpetual isolation, and turning their backs on happiness is self-defeating.

Difficulties in love and career should be seen as temporary setbacks, much like road crashes—obstacles that must be overcome and rebuilt from. Aries must learn to restore and start anew after each challenge.

Love & Compatibility

  • Astral Love is most aligned with Libra, as Libra represents the perfect balance Aries seeks in relationships.
  • Ideal Love leads Aries toward Leo, who values beauty, elegance, and intelligence.
  • The third decan of Sagittarius is also a suitable match, offering an adventurous yet stable love.
  • Love-Passion often pulls Aries toward the first decan of Scorpio, but Scorpio’s intensity can destabilize Aries, making them either overly passive or excessively dominant.

Best Matches for Aries:

  • Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius – These signs help pacify Aries with their calm nature and philosophical approach to life.
  • Aquarius and Libra – Strong physical attraction and mutual intrigue.

Challenging Matches for Aries:

  • Capricorn, Pisces, and Taurus – These signs tend to clash with Aries' temperament, leading to unbalanced and unfavorable relationships.
Aries Next Year Horoscope