Taurus Sign Traits & Dates

Daily Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Dates: Apr 21 - May 21

Element: Earth

Quality: Fixed

Color: Green, Pink

Day: Friday, Monday

Ruler: Venus

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Scorpio, Cancer

Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 9, 12, 24

The Taurus constellation is a large star grouping composed of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th magnitude stars. Its most prominent feature is Aldebaran, a yellow-orange 1st-magnitude star and an

The Taurus constellation is a large and distinct star grouping composed of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th magnitude stars. Its most striking feature is Aldebaran, a yellow-orange 1st-magnitude star and a key navigational marker, often considered one of the most beautiful stars in the night sky.

Encircling Aldebaran is the Hyades, an open star cluster, while to its upper right lie the Pleiades, one of the most famous and easily recognizable star clusters.

Within the Taurus constellation also lies the Crab Nebula, the remnants of a supernova explosion recorded in 1054 AD. This spectacular celestial event left behind one of the most studied nebulae in modern astronomy.

Taurus, Taurus traits, Taurus horoscope, Taurus constellation, FreeHoroscope.info.
Dive into the earthy charm of Taurus. Explore their key traits, strengths, and zodiac significance. Perfect for horoscope enthusiasts!

The cult of the sacred bull Apis thrived for thousands of years in Egypt, symbolizing strength, fertility, and creative power. Outwardly, Apis represented raw physical might, but symbolically, it was the embodiment of generative force and stability.

A person born under the sign of Taurus is easily recognizable by their strong, silent, and confident demeanor. At first glance, they may appear reserved or withdrawn, but as you get to know them, their measured movements and laconic speech reveal an inner calm. It is difficult to provoke them or disturb their peace. Taurus rarely loses their temper—they prefer to be left alone rather than engage in conflict.

However, pushing a Taurus too far awakens their stubborn side. They can suppress frustration for months or even years, enduring pressures that would break others. But when they do finally erupt, it is sudden and intense. In such moments, it’s best to step aside quickly. Their temper is rarely impulsive, but when provoked, they can bulldoze anything in their path. Fortunately, as mentioned, this rarely happens. Still, it’s important to remember that Taurus does not get “a little annoyed”—they are either calm or in full rage.

Love & Relationships

Taurus is naturally drawn to the opposite sex, but they are not aggressive in pursuit. Instead, they prefer to attract rather than chase. Their typical approach to relationships is passivity—they would rather create an inviting atmosphere and let others come to them.

They are homebodies, more comfortable as hosts than visitors. Their home, favorite chair, and familiar surroundings are sacred to them, and any disruption can leave them unsettled. They thrive on stability and resist change, preferring routines and environments they can trust.

Connection to Nature & Health

Taurus is deeply connected to the Earth, with a strong love for nature, flowers, and the outdoors. The fast-paced modern world can exhaust them, so they often seek escapes to the countryside.

Typically, Taurus enjoys excellent health, but when they do fall ill, recovery is slow and difficult—largely due to their stubborn reluctance to follow medical advice. Their pessimistic outlook doesn’t help, often prolonging illness.

The most vulnerable areas for Taurus are the throat, neck, legs, and back. A simple cold often develops into a sore throat, and poor circulation can lead to chronic conditions. Lack of fresh air and movement is one of their biggest health risks. Talking to a Taurus about their stubbornness is pointless; they see themselves as patient and resilient rather than rigid. In truth, their endurance is remarkable, both emotionally and physically.

The more challenges life throws at them, the more strength they find to persevere. Taurus could earn a gold medal for resilience, enduring hardships that would break other signs long ago.

Loyalty, Wealth & Work Ethic

Taurus is deeply loyal and devoted to family and friends—often to a degree that defies understanding. They are rarely cruel or vengeful and prefer to resolve conflicts peacefully.

When it comes to wealth and material success, Taurus and money seem inseparable. It is rare to find an unemployed Taurus—they build their empires slowly but surely, always starting with a solid foundation and expanding carefully. They accumulate power and financial stability, but more out of pride and a love for security than a desire for excess.

They prefer to delegate tasks to subordinates, taking satisfaction simply in knowing they hold the power. Unlike Capricorn or Cancer, who might immerse themselves in work, Taurus enjoys the finer things in life—they will pause to inhale the scent of flowers or admire beauty without guilt. They take pride in their possessions but are not greedy—nor are they careless with money.

Art, Intelligence & Stubborn Nature

Taurus has a deep appreciation for music and art, often possessing an intelligent and contemplative mind. They do not waste time on petty matters. Their home is their fortress, a place of comfort and stability.

They are as patient as time itself, and their strength and reliability make them an anchor for those around them. However, above all else, Taurus is stubborn—once they set their mind on something, there is no turning back.

Taurus man

The Taurus man is a practical and grounded individual, known for his cautious, methodical approach to life. While he may seem slow to act, he is also deeply romantic. He takes his time before making important decisions, especially in love. He refuses to dive headfirst into romance, only to discover too late that there is no depth to it. However, once he decides that you are the one, his devotion will surpass that of any other man.

Love & Courtship

A Taurus man can shower you with affection, sending flowers every day until he wins your heart. He is gentle and attentive, noticing the scent of your perfume, the softness of your skin, and the shine of your hair—though he may not openly express it. His senses of touch and smell are highly developed, and he enjoys surrounding himself with beauty.

He will make sure you are well-dressed, surprise you with thoughtful gifts, and invite you for romantic walks under the moonlight. He will never forget anniversaries or the day you met. But while he is certainly romantic, the typical Taurus will never promise you an illusion—no castles in the sky. Instead, he will present you with the blueprint for a real home, inviting you to share his world as his partner.

A Taurus man is the ultimate provider. If he welcomes you into his home, you can be certain he will clothe and feed you. He is designed for women who value stability and tangible security.

Getting Along with a Taurus Man

A relationship with Taurus is not always easy. A woman who wants to build a future with him must first refine her behavior. He has no patience for loud voices, crude manners, or unnecessary drama.

If you have strong opinions, be mindful of when and how you express them. Taurus respects intelligence in a woman, but he prioritizes common sense and stability. Even if you are right, never overshadow his presence, especially in public.

An overly independent or assertive woman does not suit him. There are two ways a Taurus man will react in such cases:

  1. The traditional Taurus—who may respond with blunt rudeness.
  2. The refined Taurus—who will remain outwardly polite but turn emotionally distant, ruining the mood for the entire evening.

In either case, once he is upset, nothing can change his mind until he calms down on his own. Any attempt to talk him down or reason with him will only make him more irritable and stubborn.

That said, no matter how angry he gets, he will never abandon a woman he cares about. The best way to navigate his temper is through gentle patience and careful communication. And for heaven’s sake, do not complain about him or make jokes at his expense—even in private. He may appear reserved, but he cannot stand being mocked.

At the same time, do not cling to him excessively. Taurus values his freedom, and he will not allow a woman to dominate his time.

How Taurus Views Women

Despite his need for independence, a Taurus man does not seek to suppress a woman’s individuality. In fact, he admires strong, self-assured women, as long as they do not threaten his masculinity. When he feels secure in his role as a man, no one can match his kindness, tenderness, and devotion. He will go to great lengths for the woman he loves.

Before committing, Taurus will observe you for a long time, analyzing whether you truly fit into his life. He does not rush into relationships and is often blind to warnings about incompatibility. The more you try to convince him that you're not a good match, the more stubborn he becomes.

If a relationship falls apart, divorce is a slow and painful process for him. He takes a long time to move on and an even longer time to find someone new.

Wealth & Lifestyle

Financially, life with a Taurus is exceptionally stable. He is responsible, hardworking, and practical, ensuring long-term security for his family.

He enjoys nature, fishing, and outdoor activities, preferring the simplicity of rural life over the chaos of modern cities. His interests include biographies of great historical figures and stories of legendary heroes.

A Taurus man is the epitome of traditional masculinity—which is why he expects to be taken care of properly. He appreciates homemade meals and a cozy home environment.

Fatherhood & Family Life

As a father, Taurus is near perfect. He is loving and patient, especially with daughters, treating them with tenderness and care. He attentively listens to his wife’s wishes and rarely denies her small luxuries, such as expensive perfumes or elegant accessories.

Though he is generous, he never spends recklessly and always considers the long-term financial stability of his household.

He works tirelessly, but when he is exhausted, he can become moody and irritable. At home, he may seem lazy, but pushing or rushing him only makes things worse.

Social Life & Love Philosophy

Taurus prefers small, intimate circles of close friends over large, noisy gatherings. His ideal environment is a quiet, comfortable home where he can relax in peace.

His love is simple and honest—he does not play games or engage in emotional drama. Care for him, respect his pace, and your life with a Taurus man will be stable, fulfilling, and beautiful.

Taurus woman

Venus blesses the Taurus woman with an irresistible charm and femininity. What may be a weakness in a Taurus man—his vulnerability to beauty—is a strength in a Taurus woman. She loves luxury, fine dining, elegant dresses, fresh flowers, and exquisite wines. Her presence can be ruinous for admirers who try to keep up with her refined tastes.

The Essence of a Taurus Woman

A Taurus woman is the epitome of femininity—the kind of woman men dream of but rarely find. She is calm, collected, and remarkably self-controlled, but if she loses her temper, she can frighten even the strongest man. Fortunately, this rarely happens and only when seriously provoked.

Her emotional depth surpasses that of any man. She possesses a sharp mind and a natural confidence, making coquetry unnecessary in achieving her goals. Her self-control runs deep, like hidden waves beneath a still surface.

Loyalty & Relationships

Men appreciate her acceptance of people as they are. She is comfortable in all social settings, effortlessly adapting to different personalities. If she dislikes someone, she simply avoids them rather than engaging in conflict.

She is deeply loyal to her friends and expects the same in return. When it comes to jealousy, her approach is different from Aries or Leo. She won’t explode in rage if you admire another woman, but she won’t tolerate disrespect. If you push her too far, you may regret testing her patience.

Practical & Grounded

A Taurus woman is not interested in abstract philosophy—practical common sense is what matters to her. Though not traditionally intellectual, her mind is always clear, and her goals are direct and well-defined. She finds deep satisfaction in her achievements and expects her efforts to yield tangible results.

Her sense of harmony extends to all aspects of life. Her home is a sanctuary—her kitchen, in particular, is a trap for men, as her cooking is both delicious and comforting. She has a deep appreciation for art and fine aesthetics. You won’t find fake or dried flowers in her home—only fresh blooms. She is highly sensitive to scents, enjoying the aroma of fresh bread, cut grass, and quality cologne. If you want to impress her, wear a good aftershave.

Love for Nature & Style

Most Taurus women feel drawn to the countryside—the earth itself seems to call to them. She prefers practical yet elegant clothing, favoring soft fabrics and simple, classic designs over extravagant fashion.

She is a strong woman, though she rarely makes excessive demands. The only non-negotiable requirement? Loyalty. She values honesty and trust above all else.

People admire her straightforwardness. However, she dislikes being contradicted, especially by outsiders.

Motherhood & Family Life

Motherhood comes naturally to a Taurus woman. She can be strict with teenagers, enforcing discipline and responsibility. She has no patience for laziness or carelessness, which infuriates her. However, she is more of a friend than a strict authority figure to her children.

She never complains about hardships, instead choosing to be a pillar of strength for her family, especially during financial struggles. While not lazy, she does need moments of rest to recharge.

Unlike some women, she has no desire to compete with men—she respects traditional gender roles but demands respect in return. Her ability to endure both physical pain and emotional stress is astounding.

Social & Personal Charm

A Taurus woman knows how to make a lasting impression. She is hospitable, warm, and effortlessly charismatic. Whether in her home, among friends, or in professional settings, she exudes an undeniable presence.

She is not just a great woman—she is a woman of depth, strength, and timeless grace.

Taurus traits

Taurus: The Earth Sign of Sensitivity and Artistry

Ruled by Venus, Taurus embodies extreme sensitivity and artistic refinement. As the first sign in the Circle of Sensitivity, Taurus represents love in all forms—a love that flourishes in the springtime atmosphere when flowers bloom, trees release their sweet fragrances, and birds sing their wedding songs.

Taurus reflects the luxurious beauty of nature’s awakening—the fragrant late-April air filled with lilac, jasmine, and hawthorn, and the delicate tenderness of May, adorned with irises and the first roses.

In this idyllic setting, the most captivating eyes open to the world, the most elegant ear takes shape, and smooth, translucent skin, tinged with a soft pink hue, develops into a perfect instrument of sensuality and pleasure. Taurus embodies both the joy of the artist and the passion of a lover.

The Dual Nature of Taurus

Taurus loves both giving and receiving. He enjoys material comforts yet is also generous to excess. He has a deep appreciation for luxury, celebration, and all things vibrant—but only with those who understand love for love’s sake, never out of a desire to dominate or control.

A Taurus is happiest when his partner actively participates in the dance of love—responding to every gesture, every embrace, and every gift with equal passion and appreciation. He finds joy in everything, drawing endless strength from the Earth and embracing his primal, instinctive vitality.

Epochs of Perfection

The peak moments of Taurus’ essence are found in:

  • The soft glow of dawn and twilight
  • The freshness of early youth
  • The wisdom and grace of late maturity
  • The last golden glimmers of an evening sunset

Symbolism & Aesthetic Influences

  • Colors: Green, pink, blue, and yellow symbolize harmony, romance, and vitality.
  • Objects: Blooming branches of lilac and jasmine, roses, Venetian mirrors reflect Taurus' love for beauty and sensuality.
  • Unfavorable Color: Red is considered inharmonious for Taurus.
  • Number: 6, as there is nothing more pleasing to the eye than a hexagonal symmetry, embodying balance and aesthetic perfection.
  • Preferred Rhythm: The waltz—a dance that embodies the grace, elegance, and romantic fluidity of Venus.

Health & Vulnerabilities

Taurus' weak points are found in the neck, throat, and larynx. These areas are particularly susceptible to infections, leading to:

  • Sore throats
  • Hoarseness
  • Loss of voice

These vulnerabilities stem from microbes that linger in the throat, making Taurus prone to chronic throat conditions. Maintaining good vocal health, fresh air, and a balanced diet is essential for their well-being.

Taurus first decade

Symbols & Influences of Taurus

  • Symbols: Minstrel, Violin, Love Songs, Dragonfly
  • Consciousness: Venus-Mercury—representing the fusion of feminine and masculine energies
  • Associated Colors: Pale Green and Blue
  • Numbers: 63 and 36

Character Traits

Venus-Mercury Influence (Conscious Personality)

  • Key Traits: Intuition, expressive gestures, musicality, and a deep understanding of harmony
  • Many renowned writers were born under this influence, as it enhances literary and artistic talent
  • A refined sensitivity to:
    • Sound (music, voice, rhythm)
    • Taste and scent (appreciation of fine foods, perfumes, and fragrances)
    • Touch (aesthetic and tactile perception of materials and surfaces)
    • Color (ability to harmonize and balance complementary tones with artistic precision)
  • Unselfishness, idealism, and ambition drive their personal and creative pursuits

Sun-Saturn Influence (Subconscious Personality)

  • Associated Colors: Gold and Black
  • Key Traits:
    • Dominant masculine energy, making the character bold, courageous, and action-driven
    • Women influenced by this combination may either excel as leaders and administrators or feel restless due to the conflicting nature of Saturn’s discipline and Taurus’ essence
    • A natural talent for design, decoration, and architecture
    • Emotional detachment, sometimes leading to stubbornness, pride, and a strong need for self-assertion

Key Astrological Combinations & Their Effects

  • Venus-SaturnBeauty, impeccable taste, and artistic genius. A deep appreciation for nature, colors, and scents, as well as graceful landscapes.

    • In love, this combination may bring intense, fated relationships. Happiness depends on loyalty and the right partner choice.
    • Strong self-control in emotions and desires.
  • Mercury-SunA literary mind, a love for theater, and a socially active lifestyle.

    • Women influenced by this combination excel in style, poise, and social navigation.
  • Mercury-SaturnSharp and often harsh critique, strong political instincts, and strategic thinking.

    • A mastery of language, rhythm, and structure in literature.
    • Keen management skills, often with an exacting approach.


When raising children born in this decade, it is crucial to nurture their strengths, as they are naturally gifted individuals. Their minds have the potential to grasp vast concepts (thanks to Mercury, the Sun, and Saturn’s influence). Therefore, education should not restrict their abilities but rather expand their knowledge and skills in their chosen field.

Love & Compatibility

  • Astral Companion: Scorpio

    • Women are drawn to the first decan of Scorpio
    • Men are attracted to the last decan
  • Ideal Love: The first and last ten days of Virgo—where two intellectual minds thrive together in perfect harmony.
  • Stable Marriage: Capricorn, as Taurus appreciates its structured and organized nature.
  • Passionate Attraction: The first decan of Sagittarius, where Taurus is intrigued by its dynamic energy.
  • Taurus’ Perspective: Taurus respects and admires the refined qualities of this decan, seeing it as a model of elegance and wisdom.

Taurus second decade

Symbols & Influences of Taurus

  • Symbols: Orpheus, Melody, Tenderness, Mirror Dove
  • Consciousness: Venus-Moon—a blend of feminine energy, beauty, and emotional depth
  • Associated Colors: Green, Rosewood, Blue
  • Numbers: 62 and 26

Character Traits

Venus-Moon Influence (Conscious Personality)

  • Key Traits: Carefree nature, appreciation for beauty, emotional responsiveness
  • A deep connection to music and singing, with a natural talent for vocal expression
  • A love for luxury fabrics like silk and indulgent pleasures, including fine desserts, sweet wines, and gourmet cuisine
  • Tenderness and warmth, especially in relationships and with children
  • A slight tendency toward weight gain, particularly in later years

Sun-Jupiter Influence (Subconscious Personality)

  • Associated Colors: Blue and Gold, representing success and grandeur
  • Key Traits:
    • Financial ambition, with an instinctive drive toward wealth and material success
    • A natural love for public performances and social influence
    • A desire for recognition and admiration, making fame and popularity likely outcomes

Key Astrological Combinations & Their Effects

  • Venus-SunNatural beauty, charm, and magnetic attraction. Immediate success is possible, especially when in the right environment.
  • Venus-JupiterExceptional good fortune, often surpassing expectations. Considered a favorite of fate.
  • Moon-SunDuality and mysterious charm, often seen in adolescents of both sexes.
  • Moon-JupiterPopularity and widespread appeal, often leading to fame. This combination is also linked to weight gain after the age of forty.


This placement brings intense ambition, and when combined with a sharp intellect from an early age, it can lead to remarkable and rapid achievements. Ambition teaches persistence and determination, driving individuals to reach their goals.

Potential Dangers

  • Excessive sensuality may overshadow ambition, diverting focus from personal and professional goals.
  • A cynical or overly critical mindset can dull emotional depth, making it harder to form meaningful connections.

Love & Compatibility

  • Best Match for Marriage: Scorpio—Two highly ambitious personalities that complement one another. However, if emotions are not idealized, the relationship may shift toward non-possessive sensuality rather than deep love.
  • Ideal Love & Marriage: Virgo (born between 1957 and 1976)—Strong compatibility, particularly with Virgo’s first and last decans. Taurus is drawn to Virgo’s highly organized mind.
  • Passionate Love: Second decan of Sagittarius—The presence of idealizing planetary influences can prevent emotional suffering or misunderstanding.
  • Potential Risk: A relationship built on shared dreams and fantasy could lead to self-absorption and inactivity, as both partners become too immersed in their idealized vision rather than taking real action.

Taurus third decade

Symbols & Influences of Taurus

  • Symbols: Demeter, Erats, Io, Scarab
  • Consciousness: Venus-Saturn—a blend of sensuality and intelligence, loyalty, and perseverance
  • Associated Color: Green, representing growth, harmony, and a deep connection to nature

Character Traits

Venus-Saturn Influence (Conscious Personality)

  • Venus brings sentimentality and sensuality, enhancing Taurus' appreciation for beauty, love, and the arts.
  • Saturn contributes intelligence, loyalty, and diligence, instilling a strong work ethic and devotion to personal and professional pursuits.
  • A deep love for the Earth, expressed through:
    • Gardening and floriculture
    • Admiration for birds and nature’s harmony
  • In music, Venus represents melody, while Saturn provides structure and harmony.
  • Longevity is likely, as long as liver health is maintained.

Sun-Pluto Influence (Subconscious Personality)

  • Associated Colors: Gold, Red, and Orange, symbolizing power, ambition, and passion.
  • Key Traits:
    • Unrelenting ambition and high energy levels
    • A strong desire for wealth and success
    • Intellectual eclecticism, absorbing knowledge from diverse disciplines
    • A deep admiration for great historical figures
    • Intense sexuality, which can become obsessive unless balanced by pure, idealistic passion

Key Astrological Combinations & Their Effects

  • Venus-SunNatural beauty and a love for luxury. A desire for comfort, elegance, and refinement.
  • Venus-PlutoA life filled with passion and a strong drive for success and financial power. Enjoys being admired and recognized.
  • Saturn-SunUnrestrained ambition, a sharp, logical, and methodical mind. A natural talent for architecture, drawing, and literature.
  • Saturn-PlutoPotential for despotism and emotional detachment. A deep understanding of genealogy, history, and social hierarchy. Can lead to intense, all-consuming passions.


For many Taurus individuals under this influence, wealth is the ultimate life goal, and often, this dream is successfully realized. However, if artistic abilities remain undeveloped due to inner contradictions, an increasing obsession with financial security may emerge over time. This can manifest as either extreme frugality or extravagant spending, depending on how their personality evolves.

Their restless nature in love may lead to frequent shifts in emotions and desires. However, when well-balanced, Taurus thrives in a life enriched by sensuality, social connections, and passionate love, especially in an atmosphere of music, beauty, and nature.

Love & Compatibility

  • Harmonious Matches:

    • Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces—these signs provide emotional depth and stability.
    • Capricorn (sometimes)—mutual respect for structure, ambition, and discipline.
  • Passionate Attraction:

    • The last decan of Sagittarius, where Taurus admires leadership skills, political instincts, and organizational talent.
  • Challenging Matches:

    • Leo and Aquarius—conflicts arise due to differences in priorities and emotional expression.
    • Gemini—though they share some commonalities, frequent quarrels can disrupt harmony.

Taurus Next Year Horoscope