Love compatibility

Virgo and Gemini

Virgo and Gemini Love compatibility

At first glance, it seems there's perfect compatibility between these signs. However, as time goes by, it turns out that finding common ground is a hard task. Virgo will be too boring for Gemini, while Gemini will irritate Virgo with his/her levity. The only key to success for this couple is having mutual goals; together, the partners can achieve anything. Don’t focus on emotions and move in one direction.

Tips for Virgo

  • Don’t be oversensitive and don’t take everything Gemini says personally.
  • Ignore unimportant details and don’t quarrel about them; concentrate on things that really matter.

Tips for Gemini

  • The most important thing for you is not to have affairs; trust can save your relationships.
  • Try to make decisions wisely, as your actions may raise a lot of questions from Virgo’s side.

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