Find Your Real Horoscope Dates

Find out your real Star Sign and why most magazines get it wrong! The Real Horoscope Dates - Get Your Accurate Star Sign Information

Discover your real Star Sign and find out why the magazines most often get it wrong! The Actual Horoscope Dates - Get Correct Information about Your Star Sign.

Let's start with a short lesson on how to actually identify your Star Sign. Even in elementary school, we learn that the planets in our Solar system revolve around the Sun, and your Star Sign is determined by where in the moment of your birth the Earth and the Sun are. This explanation may confuse you a little, so the following image shows where the Sun and the nearest planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) were on January 3, 1980.

In the image below, you can see the blue lines that come from the planet Earth and divide the surrounding space into 12 equal segments. Each segment is controlled by a specific Zodiac sign. The yellow circle symbolizes the Sun, and on the day shown in the picture, the Sun is located in the place indicated by the Capricorn sign... So, if you were born on January 3, 1989, your Star sign would be Capricorn. The Star sign of a person is a sign of the Zodiac that the Sun points to on the day of they birth.

The Star sign of a person is a sign of the Zodiac that the Sun points to on the day of they birth.
The Star sign of a person is a sign of the Zodiac that the Sun points to on the day of they birth.

To find out how the horoscope dates change, let's move five months forward to June 3, 1980. In the next picture, which is located below, the planets, all this time continuing to rotate around the Sun, moved too, as well as the 12 segments of the Zodiac (blue lines) - and now the Sun is in the segment indicated by the Gemini sign. If you were born on this day, your star sign would be Gemini.

Star sign means
Star sign means

If you want to understand astrology, this illustration will really help you find out what the Star sign means.

So, there is one important thing. If you were born at a time when the Sun was in the middle of the Zodiac sector, then in fact where and when you were born in terms of your Star sign is not particularly important. But if the moment of your birth is close to the day when the Sun passes from one Sign to another, then it actually matters…

What is a Cusp and why is it so important?

Days that fall at the time of the Sun's transition from one Zodiac sign to another are called Cusp, and people born at this moment usually have the qualities of both Signs. This is precisely the mistake of most magazines and newspapers that publish horoscopes. If you were born at the moment of the Sun's transition from one Zodiac sign to another -- at the moment of the cusp -- to get the exact Star sign, you need to take into account the time and place of your birth into a Ephemeris. The fact is that time zones, your location, and many other factors play an important role in trying to find out what sign the Sun was in at a particular time.

But do not forget, as I mentioned earlier (and this conviction is not only my opinion, it is shared by many astrologers, whose publications date back hundreds of years), if you were born on the day of the transition of the Sun from one sign of the Zodiac to another, you should associate yourself with these two Star signs at once. The Star sign calculator below will let you know if you are on the Cusp, or if you belong to a particular Zodiac sign.


Further I will show some discrepancies in the various tables of Horoscope dates, and provide evidence to support the hypothesis that the only way to know your Star sign is to calculate it. If you just want to know your Star sign, you can use the calculator above... but if you're interested in learning more, let's go!

The image below is a perfect example where the sky is divided into 30-degree arcs, radiating from the Earth. This is from a book by Comte C. de Saint-Germain published in 1901 called Practical Astrology: A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes. It shows an ancient instrument, with planets in each Zodiac sign radiating from the Earth in 30-degree arcs. Each 30-degree arc is divided into 3 Decans (or Decanates). These are the same degrees used in the calculator above (although I turned it by 180 degrees).

planetary theory VSOP87 by Bretagnon and Francou
planetary theory VSOP87 by Bretagnon and Francou

Instead of using an old device to determine the position of planets relative to the Earth, I use the planetary theory VSOP87 by Bretagnon and Francou. It is too difficult to explain this here, but if you want to learn more about this theory, you can start with this Wikipedia page.

Inaccuracy in the Horoscope Dates

After learning how the zodiac sign is calculated, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to have a completely accurate date table. If someone was born at 5 a.m. on March 21 in New Zealand, then, according to New York time, he was supposed to be born at 12 noon on March 20. So, this person got into the sign of Aries or Pisces? To find out exactly this, you need to use the Sar sign calculator. In the following charts, I have summarized data from 8 different publications, each of which is shown below. You should notice some discrepancies in the dates:

Aries Horoscope Dates

LeoMarch 21 - April 19
WebberMarch 21 - April 19
RaphaelMarch 21 - April 21
JensenMarch 21 - April 20
Saint-GermainMarch 21 - April 19
LeroyMarch 21 - April 18
SevaMarch 21 - April 19

Taurus Horoscope Dates

LeoApril 20 - May 20
WebberApril 19 - May 20
RaphaelApril 21 - May 22
JensenApril 20 - May 21
Saint-GermainApril 20 - May 19
LeroyApril 19 - May 19
SevaApril 19 - May 20

Gemini Horoscope Dates

LeoMay 21 - June 21
WebberMay 20 - June 21
RaphaelMay 22 - June 22
JensenMay 21 - June 22
Saint-GermainMay 20 - June 18
LeroyMay 20 - June 20
SevaMay 20 - June 21

Cancer Horoscope Dates

LeoJune 21 - July 22
WebberJune 21 - July 22
RaphaelJune 22 - July 24
JensenJune 22 - July 23
Saint-GermainJune 19 - July 23
LeroyJune 21 - July 21
SevaJune 21 - July 22

Leo Horoscope Dates

LeoJuly 22 - August 23
WebberJuly 22 - August 22
RaphaelJuly 24 - August 24
JensenJuly 23 - August 23
Saint-GermainJuly 24 - August 22
LeroyJuly 22 - August 21
SevaJuly 22 - August 22

Virgo Horoscope Dates

LeoAugust 23 - September 23
WebberAugust 22 - September 23
RaphaelAugust 24 - September 24
JensenAugust 23 - September 23
Saint-GermainAugust 23 - September 21
LeroyAugust 22 - September 22
SevaAugust 22 - September 23

Libra Horoscope Dates

LeoSeptember 23 - October 23
WebberSeptember 23 - October 23
RaphaelSeptember 24 - October 24
JensenSeptember 23 - October 23
Saint-GermainSeptember 22 - October 21
LeroySeptember 23 - October 22
SevaSeptember 23 - October 23

Scorpio Horoscope Dates

LeoOctober 23 - November 22
WebberOctober 23 - November 22
RaphaelOctober 24 - November 23
JensenOctober 23 - November 22
Saint-GermainOctober 22 - November 20
LeroyOctober 23 - November 21
SevaOctober 23 - November 22

Sagittarius Horoscope Dates

LeoNovember 20 - December 21
WebberNovember 22 - December 21
RaphaelNovember 23 - December 23
JensenNovember 22 - December 22
Saint-GermainNovember 21 - December 20
LeroyNovember 22 - December 20
SevaNovember 22 - December 21

Capricorn Horoscope Dates

LeoDecember 21 - January 20
WebberDecember 21 - January 20
RaphaelDecember 23 - January 21
JensenDecember 22 - January 20
Saint-GermainDecember 21 - January 19
LeroyDecember 21 - January 19
SevaDecember 21 - January 20

Aquariuss Horoscope Dates

LeoJanuary 20 - February 19
WebberJanuary 20 - February 19
RaphaelJanuary 21 - February 19
JensenJanuary 20 - February 19
Saint-GermainJanuary 20 - February 18
LeroyJanuary 20 - February 18
SevaJanuary 20 - February 19

Pisces Horoscope Dates

LeoFebruary 19 - March 21
WebberFebruary 19 - March 21
RaphaelFebruary 19 - March 21
JensenFebruary 19 - March 21
Saint-GermainFebruary 19 - March 20
LeroyFebruary 19 - March 20
SevFebruary 19 - March 21


1) Leo, Alan. Astrology for All. London. 1899.

Leo, Alan. Astrology for All. London. 1899

2) Webber, Carl. Astrology in a Nutshell. Boston, Mass. 1902.

Webber, Carl. Astrology in a Nutshell. Boston, Mass. 1902

3) Raphael, Albert. Earthology. London & New York. 1901.


4) Jensen, Magnus. Everybody's Astrology. Camino, California. 1922.

5) Saint-Germain, Comte. Practical Astrology. Chicago. 1901.

Saint-Germain, Comte. Practical Astrology
Saint-Germain, Comte. Practical Astrology

6) Leroy, Jean Francis. Socail Science in the Light of the Solar System. San Jose, California. 1913.

Jean Francis
Jean Francis

7) Seva, Bhakti. The Hindu Book of Astrology. New York. 1902.

Seva Bhakti
Seva Bhakti

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