Love compatibility

Capricorn and Capricorn

Capricorn and Capricorn Love compatibility

For these two signs, it’s hard even to begin a relationship, let alone keep it strong over the years. Capricorn is often too shy and conservative to show interest in another Capricorn. However, such couples often find each other in environments where cooperation is necessary, such as at work. The only thing that can keep two Capricorns together is a mutual goal.

Tips for Capricorn

  • Be prepared to acknowledge your shortcomings by observing them in your partner. It’s up to you to decide how to address them.
  • Avoid developing a sense of ownership over your partner, as this can harm your relationship. Remember that your partner is an individual with their own desires and choices.
  • Don’t be overly suspicious of your partner; Capricorns are generally faithful.

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