Career compatibility

Sagittarius and Pisces

Sagittarius and Pisces Career compatibility

Pisces and Sagittarius will find it difficult to get on well with each other. Their personal ambitions will be to the detriment of the project they work on. If they manage to forget about personal feelings and concentrate on the task, they still can form an effective partnership. The couple will bring much dynamic to any project. They will perform greatly when launching new products or bringing old out-of-date projects to a brand new level. Pisces can be very enthusiastic in addition to their natural born intuition.

On the other hand, Sagittarius can be extremely energetic and creative. This is what ensures the success of the team. The problem is that both are very prone to procrastination. This is the major issue that results in the inability to find a common language. They will get on well only if they put their personal ambitions aside.

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