Career compatibility

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius Career compatibility

The career compatibility of Sagittarius and Gemini is very low. You should prevent those two working in the same team or even in the same office. They are totally different when it comes to completing business tasks. Both can be rather eccentric when working together. It might lead to some serious problems with the head of the department, colleagues, etc. On the other hand, Sagittarius and Gemini appear to be the endless source of energy that requires a proper implementation. If heading in the right direction, that energy might be pretty helpful when achieving prior business goals.

The main problem between the two signs is that Gemini strives to express him or herself. It often counteracts with Sagittarius attention to details as well as overviewing the general picture of the project. What sounds to be a ridiculous alliance for financial and investment fields can do the trick in such industries as landscaping, interior design, and other creative working directions.

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